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National Social Enterprise Policy Implementation Group Meeting Minutes

The following are the minutes of the National Social Enterprise Policy Implementation Group set up to implement the National Social Enterprise Policy 2019-2022

Terms of Reference: Download


1st Meeting NSEPIG 6th December 2019 – Agenda – Minutes

2nd Meeting NSEPIG 28th February 2020 – Agenda – Minutes

3rd Meeting NSEPIG 22nd May 2020 – Agenda – Minutes

4th Meeting NSEPIG 30th September 2020 – Agenda – Minutes

5th Meeting Special NSEPIG 19th February 2021 – Minutes

6th Meeting NSEPIG 22nd April 2021 – AgendaMinutes

7th Meeting NSEPIG 22nd July 2021 – AgendaMinutes

8th Meeting NSEPIG 21st October 2021 – AgendaMinutes

9th Meeting NSEPIG 4 March 2022 – Agenda

Social Enterprise Higher Education Institute (HEI) Network Meetings

The following are the minutes of the National Social Enterprise Higher Education Institute (HEI) Network Meetings.


1st Meeting Social Enterprise Higher Education Institutes Network – 9 October 2019 – Agenda –  Minutes

2nd Meeting Social Enterprise Higher Education Institutes Network – 21 October 2020 – Agenda – Minutes

3rd Meeting Social Enterprise Higher Education Institutes Network – 3 March 2021 – Agenda –  Minutes

4th Meeting Social Enterprise Higher Education Institutes Network – 5 November 2021 Agenda – Minutes

5th Meeting Social Enterprise Higher Education Institutes Network – 24 June 2022 AgendaMinutes



Resources Related to the Social Economy in Ireland

 Resources relating to the social economy in Ireland:

  • National Social Enterprise Policy 2019-2022 – Download 
  • ‘Working To Change’ Social Enterprise and Employment Strategy 2021 – 2023 – Download
  • ‘A New Way Forward’ Social Enterprise Strategy 2017-2019 – Download
  • ‘A New Way Forward’ Social Enterprise Strategy 2017-2019 Mid-Term Review – Download
  • Forfas Social Enterprise Report 2013 – Download
  • Forfas Cooperative Report 2007 – Download 
  • Dublin City Social enterprise Awards 2015 – 2022 – Download
  • Making Socially Responsible Procurement Work – Download
  • Regulatory Impact Assessment General Scheme of a Co-Operative Societies Bill 2022 – Download
  • General Scheme Co-Operatives Society Bill 2022 – Download
  • General Scheme Co-Operatives Society Bill 2022 – Download
  • NESC Social Enterprise on the Island of Ireland – Download
  • Social Enterprises in Ireland, A Baseline Data Collection Exercise – Download

National Social Enterprise Conference 17th November 2022:

  • OECD Boosting social entrepreneurship and social enterprise development: Preliminary findings from an in-depth policy review of Ireland Download
  • Hybrid Social Finance – Financing Social Enterprise in Ireland project Download
  • National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2019-2022: Update on Implementation Download
  • Social Enterprise Update: The Wheel – Download
  • OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Papers: Boosting social entrepreneurship and social enterprise development in Ireland – Download
  • National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland 2024 to 2027: Public Consultation Document – Download

Resources Related to the Social Economy in Northern Ireland

 Resources relating to the social economy in Northern Ireland:

  • Building Inclusive Communities DfC Strategy 2020-2025 – Download 
  • Building Relationships in Communities: Asset Transfer & Social Housing – Download
  • Community Asset Transfer in Northern Ireland JRF – Download
  • The Social Economy in Northern Ireland QUB  – Download
  • Social Enterprise Survey Northern Ireland 2013 – Download
  • Rebalancing the Northern Ireland Economy 2019 Report on Social Enterprise SENI – Download
  • Policy Implications of the North Belfast Ethical Investment programme – Download
  • Unleashing Community Ownership – Report of the Community Ownership Commission – Download

Resources Related to the Social Economy in the European Union

 Resources relating to the social economy in the European Union:

  • European Social Economy Action Plan (2021) – Download
  • Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union (2019) – Download
  • International Labour Organisation’s  Resolution on decent work and the social and solidarity economy – Download
  • OECD Recommendation on Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation – Download
  • Transition Pathway for Proximity and Social Economy – Download
  • Beyond pink-collar jobs for women and the social economy – Download
  • OECD Global Action Promoting Social & Solidarity Economy Ecosystems: Promoting internationalisation of the social and solidarity economy: From local to global – Download
  • ILO Measuring the social and solidarity economy (SSE): A roadmap towards Guidelines concerning statistics of the SSE – Download
  • What is the social and solidarity economy? OECD Global Action Promoting Social & Solidarity Economy Ecosystems Download
  • OECD Legal Instruments: Recommendation of the Council on the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation – Download
  • OECD Global Action Promoting Social & Solidarity Economy Ecosystems – Empowering communities with platform cooperatives: A catalyst for local development – Download
  • OECD Measure, Manage and Maximise Your Impact – A Guide for the Social Economy – Download
  • OECD Global Action Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems – Beyond pink-collar jobs for women and the social economy – Download

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining, or you believe there are resources that can be placed here, please feel free to email us.